The Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP) is an extension of ____?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 208)
In 1992 was declared by the UNO as the ____?
Which of the following are not members of the National Development Council?
House of Commons and Senate exist in the parliament of ____?
The Eighth SAARC Summit designated 1995 as ____?
The National Development Council gets its administrative support from ____?
In which year the Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme was launched by the Government of India?
The Government of India adopted the Family Planning Programme in ____?
Which of the following was formed to suggest means for eradicating black money?
The National Adult Education Programme was launched in ____?
The ‘Garibi Hatao’ slogan was coined in ____?
Which of the following Five Year Plans was terminated one year before its completion?
When was the Cooperative Societies Act first passed in India?
Which one of the following Five Year Plans was terminated by a Rolling Plan?
The Indian National Congress took up the 10-year development plan set up by the Planed Economy for India in the year ____?
Planning in India derives its objectives from ____?
When were the Agricultural Prices Commission and the Food Corporation of India established?
The Antyodaya Scheme was first started in ____?
‘Food for work program’ was linked to NREP under which Five Year Plan?
- the third five-year plan
- the fourth five-year plan
- the fifth five-year plan
- the sixth five-year plan
Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) was launched in 1993 on ____?