What did Lee hope to achieve with a victory at Antietam?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 184)
What was one reason for the high number of casualties?
What did the battle reveal about the leadership of both armies?
How did the battle affect African American soldiers?
What was the result of the battle for the Union Army’s reputation?
What was McClellan’s plan before the battle?
What impact did the battle have on the Southern economy?
Which day of the battle was the bloodiest?
How did the terrain affect the battle’s outcome?
What event followed the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
What was one of the lasting legacies of the Battle of Antietam?
What did President Lincoln do shortly after the battle?
What was the primary result of the battle for the Confederacy?
Which battle tactic did the Confederates use effectively at Antietam?
Which Union general was criticized for his hesitance during the battle?
What was the Confederate goal at Antietam?
Which significant landmark was a focal point during the battle?
What strategy did McClellan employ during the battle?
How many total casualties were estimated at the Battle of Antietam?
What river is near Antietam?