Which Surah describes Allah as “An-Nur” (The Light)?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 163)
Which Surah mentions Allah as “As-Samad” (The Eternal Refuge)?
Which Surah refers to Allah as “Al-Malik” (The Sovereign)?
Which Surah calls Allah “Al-Khaliq” (The Creator)?
Which Surah mentions Allah’s name “Ar-Rahman” (The Most Merciful) repeatedly?
Which Surah gives the parable of those who spend their wealth to be seen by others as being like a hard, barren rock?
Which Surah compares those who take protectors besides Allah to the spider building a weak web?
Which Surah describes those who reject faith as being like donkeys carrying books?
What was one significant American advantage during the battles?
What ultimately encouraged more colonists to join the revolutionary cause?
What did the British troops encounter in the countryside on their retreat?
How did the battles impact the British military strategy in North America?
What was the main focus of the American military strategy after Concord?
Which document was influenced by the events at Lexington and Concord?
What was the British response after the fighting in Concord?
What did the battles of Lexington and Concord ultimately represent?
What was the colonial militia’s strength during the battles?
What did the British hope to achieve by capturing Concord?
How did colonial forces communicate during the battles?
Which of the following best describes the aftermath of the battles?