Which Surah recounts the story of Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) and the Queen of Sheba?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 158)
Which Surah mentions Prophet Isa (Jesus) speaking in the cradle?
Which Surah discusses the story of Prophet Nuh (Noah) and the flood?
Which Surah tells the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)?
Which Surah mentions the story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his sacrifice?
Which Surah recounts the story of the Prophet Yunus (Jonah) and the whale?
Which Surah talks about the sky being like a protective ceiling?
Which Surah mentions the sun and the moon following their courses precisely?
Which Surah talks about the water cycle and the role of rain in sustaining life?
Which Surah refers to the development of a human being in the womb in stages?
Which Surah talks about the mountains being like pegs?
Which Surah discusses the creation of the universe in six days?
Which Surah refers to Allah as “Al-Hakim” (The Wise)?
Which Surah calls Allah “Ar-Razzaq” (The Provider)?
Which Surah mentions Allah as “Al-Wadud” (The Most Loving)?
Which Surah refers to Allah as “Al-Basir” (The All-Seeing)?
In which Surah is Allah referred to as “Al-Hadi” (The Guide)?
Which Surah describes Allah as “An-Nur” (The Light)?
Which Surah mentions Allah as “As-Samad” (The Eternal Refuge)?
Which Surah refers to Allah as “Al-Malik” (The Sovereign)?