How did the battle affect the morale of both the Union and Confederate troops?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 153)
What did the Confederate flag symbolize during the Battle of Fort Sumter?
What was one of the long-term impacts of the Battle of Fort Sumter?
How did the Union defend Fort Sumter?
Which of the following was not a reason for the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter?
What was the immediate consequence of the bombardment of the Union forces?
Which Surah gives instructions on how to perform wudu (ablution) before prayer?
Which Surah describes the significance of Hajj (pilgrimage) and it’s rituals?
Which Surah commands Muslims to pray regularly and give zakat (charity)?
Which Surah commands Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan?
Which Surah describes Allah’s power to resurrect the dead and bring them to account on the Day of Judgment?
Which Surah warns of the calamities that will strike on the Day of Judgment?
Which Surah mentions that the righteous will dwell in gardens beneath which rivers flow?
Which Surah discusses the prohibition of intoxicants and gambling?
Which Surah mentions that every soul will taste death?
Which Surah describes the Quran as a guide for the righteous?
Which Surah warns of the fleeting nature of wealth and children in this worldly life?
Which Surah refers to the creation of pairs in everything as a sign of Allah’s power?
Which Surah mentions that good and evil are not equal, advising believers to repel evil with good?
Which Surah describes the earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy?