Which Surah contains the parable of those who deny faith being like ashes blown away by the wind?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 149)
Which Surah gives the parable of a good word being like a good tree?
Which Surah talks about the sea meet without mixing, referring to the barrier between salty and freshwater?
Which Surah describes the stars as sources of navigation?
Which Surah contains the story of Prophet Hud (AS) and his people?
Which Surah narrates the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and the building of the Kaaba?
Which Surah mentions the birth and mission of Prophet Isa (AS)?
Which Surah highlights the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and the concept of patience through trials?
What is the meaning of “Al-Ankabut”?
What does “Al-Falaq” refer to?
What is the meaning of “Al-Hijr”?
What is the meaning of “Al-Baqarah”?
What is the meaning of “Yawm al-Qiyamah”?
What does the term “Al-Nas” mean in the Quran?
What is the meaning of “Al-Fatiha”?
What does the word “Tawheed” refer to in the Quran?
What does the term “Al-Quran” literally mean?
Which Surah prohibits the consumption of alcohol and gambling?
Which Surah mentions the birth and mission of Prophet Isa (AS)?
Which Prophet is mentioned the most in the Quran?