Which Surah contains a verse where Allah promises to forgive all sins if a person repents?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 146)
Which Surah contains the verse that advises against hoarding wealth for personal gain?
Which Surah encourages kindness towards parents and the elderly?
Which Surah discusses the importance of balancing worldly life with the afterlife?
Which Surah is known for its focus on justice and fairness in society?
Which Surah advises against envy and malice towards others?
Which Surah emphasizes the equality of all human beings, regardless of race or background?
What does “Al-Falaq” refer to?
What is the meaning of “Al-Hijr”?
What does “Al-Ikhlas” mean in the Quran?
What is the meaning of “Al-Baqarah”?
What is the meaning of “Yawm al-Qiyamah”?
What does the term “Al-Nas” mean in the Quran?
Which Surah instructs Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan?
Which Surah mentions the importance of sincerity in faith and worship?
Which Surah emphasizes the importance of prayer (Salah)?
What is the meaning of “Al-Fatiha”?
What does the word “Tawheed” refer to in the Quran?
What does the term “Al-Quran” literally mean?
Which Surah ends with the verse “So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny”?