What was a common nickname for Fort Sumter?
Multiple Choice Quizzes with Answer in English (Page: 138)
What was the effect of the Battle of Fort Sumter on Northern enlistment?
What city is closest to Fort Sumter?
What was the primary reason for the conflict at Fort Sumter?
Who was the Union commander at Fort Sumter during the battle?
Which Surah mentions the bees and the role they play in producing honey?
Which Surah describes the alternation of day and night as a sign of Allah’s creation?
Which Surah gives the analogy of life being like the rain that brings forth vegetation but then withers away?
Which Surah compares the hypocrites to a leaning, rotten piece of wood?
Which Surah describes the disbelievers as like a mirage in a desert?
Which Surah mentions the parable of the one who kindles a fire and then loses its light?
In which Surah is charity compared to a grain of corn that produces seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains?
Which Surah contains the parable of those who deny faith being like ashes blown away by the wind?
Which Surah gives the parable of a good word being like a good tree?
Which Surah advises Muslims to be grateful for the blessings of Allah?
Which Surah is the longest in the Quran?
Which Surah advises Muslims to seek refuge in Allah from the evil of whisperings?
What was a major economic activity in the Coastal Plains during the colonial period?
Which major U.S. city in the Coastal Plains region is known for its music, particularly jazz?
Which European explorer was one of the first to explore the Coastal Plains?