My wife reminded me ____.
সফল ক্যারিয়ারের জন্য বাংলা ভাষায় বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর (Page: ১২০)
We need two hundred dollars ____ this to play for everything.
I decided to go __ with my friend as I needed some exercise.
I decided to “go to a walk”, “for a walk”, “for a walking”, “walk” with my friend as I needed some exercise.
The children were entrusted with/for/to/at the care of their uncle. (which is correct)
He parted with/form/against/beside his friend in tears. (which is correct)
Why are you so angry ____? (which is correct about/at/with/for)
The man died by/of/for/from overeating. (which is correct)
I finally kill the fly by/with/through/from a rolled-up newspaper. (which is correct)
He divided the money over/in between/among/between the two children. (which is correct)
He has been ill from/on/in/since Friday last. (which is correct)
I should appreciate it if you could complete this work till/until/up/by Thursday. (which is correct)
‘prior to’ means after/before/by/for. (which is correct)
Hurry up! we have to go in/on/by/for five minutes. (which is correct)
I am good in/about/with/at translation. (which is correct)
He is devoid of/from/introduction/at commonsense. (which is correct)
কর্নাটকের প্রধান বন্দর কোনটি?
কর্নাটকে কতটি সমুদ্র বন্দর রয়েছে?
কর্নাটকের দুটি আন্তর্জাতিক বিমানবন্দর কোনগুলো?
কৃষ্ণা ও কাবেরী নদী কোন উপসাগরে পড়েছে?
কোন নদীগুলো কর্ণাটকের পশ্চিম দিকে প্রবাহিত হয়ে আরব সাগরে পৌছেছে?