Students spend a lot of money ____ gifts when they are on a study tour.
সফল ক্যারিয়ারের জন্য বাংলা ভাষায় বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর (Page: ১১৭)
They were all appreciation ____ her presentation.
The Dhaka bound train is due ____ 3:45 Pm.
____ 15 August 1975, Bangabandhu was brutally killed.
Alim is superior ____ me in all respects.
Professor kamal is an authority ____ Sociology.
Finding himself short ____ money, he wrote ____ his uncle ____ help.
He said that he was very pleased ____ my work.
‘পরের মুখে ঝাল খাওয়া’ – বাগধারা অর্থ কী হবে?
We are related ____ each other ____ marriage.
He is resolved ____ going away.
They reached the airport ____ 11 O’clock ____ bus.
The bus was late this morning, but it is usually ____
In which of the following sentence ‘like’ has been used as a preposition?
He climbed the tree like a cat
He laughs like his father does
He likes to eat fish
Like-minded people are necessary for a cooperative
Bangladesh is rich ____ natural gas.
In case ____ fire, leave the building.
I do not know what she is talking ____.
He is devoid ____ common sense.
Do you know the solution ____ the problem?
My father was angry ____ me.